A horse on ice
A: You are looking like a horse on ice my friend.
B: What are you talking about?
A: Picture it.
C: Yeah, picture it my friend.
B: Picture a horse on ice?
C: Yeah. The horse is on ice. He is iced. In the cooler.
A: (to C) No.
C: What?
A: The horse is walking on ice. It can’t catch its balance, its legs are shooting out.
C: Yeah
A: Our friend here (points to B) is a horse on ice.
B: I told Les what my situation was.
C: Your situation? You are the situation.
B: (to A) Did you talk to Les?
C: (to B) You better believe you have a situation.
A: (to B) When did you talk to Les?
B: I cleared this up with Les.
C: You are a horse on ice.
A: We just came from Les and he is teed off. At us. You know why?
C: (to B) Because of you.
B: Because of me?
A: Because of you. Because of the car.
C: (to B) Where’s the car?
A: (to B) Les wants the car.
B: I have a lease.
A: On the car? It’s Les’s car. Les doesn’t lease his own car.
B: Let me call him.
C: He doesn’t want to talk to you.
B: (to C) Says who?
C: Les told me that.
A: We just came from Les.
C: And he told us: “Go get my car”.
B: I’m leasing that car from Les.
C: Not anymore.
A: (to B) Where is it?
B: Let me call Lester.
C: You don’t listen. Lester doesn’t want to talk to you.
B: Okay. Wait.
C: Wait?
A: (to C) Now you get what I mean, he’s looking like a horse on ice?
C: I see it now. At first I was picturing, like, a horse on ice, like in a meat case, like steaks and loin cuts of horse meat.
A: Horse meat?
C: Yeah, like in a meat case at the grocery store.
A: Do people eat horse meat?
C: They used to. My grandmother did.
A: What?
C: Yeah. During the dustbowl. They made hamburger once out of a horse. Hey (gestures to B). Horse on ice.
A: Yeah. (to B) Where’s the car? Where’s Les’ car?
B: I don’t have it.